On Sunday, we photographed Staci & Jeremiah's wedding at the World Trade Center in Seattle. Staci is a fellow photographer, so you can imagine our excitement when she hired us to shoot her wedding! We had so much fun with them, their families, and their crazy wedding party! Some of the images of Staci & Jeremiah were taken at the new SAM Olympic Sculpture Park downtown. If you haven't visited it yet, you should definitely check it out.
Enjoy the show, and don't forget to turn your music up and click here!
Gerald & Airika
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Staci & Jeremiah's Slideshow
Posted by
Gerald & Airika
9:34 AM
Labels: Slideshows, Weddings
Friday, July 13, 2007
Baby Photos, Round 2
We shot our first baby portraits about 3 months ago for some friends of ours. They liked them so much that they ended up asking us to photograph her at 6, 9, and 12 months as well! We just finished her 6-month portraits, and it was amazing how much she's grown and how much personality she's developed in the past three months. We had so much fun trying to get her to laugh and eat her toes--what an awesome job we have! ~Airika
She was facinated by the camera, so I came in close with the wide angle lens to give her a closer look!
Posted by
Gerald & Airika
6:16 PM
Labels: Families
Monday, July 09, 2007
Dude, that's MY car!!!
So I've always heard that Honda Accords are consistently one of the most popular cars to steal. I don't know if that is true or not, but after last weekend I am inclined to say that it is.
Last Saturday morning I was returning some rental camera equipment to Glazers Camera in Seattle. It was 11:20, so there was no line--I was in and out in about 3 minutes. When I got back to my car, I found a guy trying to break into my car (where I had ALL of my camera gear)! I politely asked him what he was doing (OK, I'll admit that I wasn't very polite--but he started it!) He said "Oh you got here just in time, I was going to steal the whole thing!" Craziness! He took off pretty quickly once I started flexing my biceps though. ;)
The moral of the story? If you have something in your car that is worth more than your car, it better be insured! Normally I would suggest keeping your valuables with you at all times, but if you're built like I am (I've got a pretty cool, hyper-active metabolism look going on)--then that may not be much of a theft deterrent. In any case, insurance is a good idea no matter what kind of business you are running. You may never have to use it, but you certainly don't want to get caught without it!
Thankfully, I have insurance...and I was lucky this time. All it would have taken was a line inside Glazers Camera, and I would have been riding the bus home!
Posted by
Gerald & Airika
6:19 PM
Labels: Personal
Thursday, July 05, 2007
July 4th--Demolition Derby!!!
Airika and I went with a group of friends yesterday to our very first Demolition Derby. It took quite a bit of coaxing to convince Airika that this was a good idea, but she came around. I couldn't resist spending most of the evening wandering through the crowd watching (and photographing) the people and the festivities.
As you can see I have included a few of the pictures below. For those of you who are interested in reading more about the evenings' adventures, there's more after the photos...
Somehow I managed to get myself into trouble on two occasions last night, just by walking around. At one point a Cop confronted me and told me there had been a report that I was recklessly running through the crowd with my camera pushing people over. At first I thought my friends had played a joke on me, but he wasn't kidding. After he described the complaint in a little more detail I figured out what he was talking about. There actually had been an incident earlier, only the cop was given a wildly skewed version of the story. Here's what went down: I was leaving the aisle in which I was sitting in the bleachers. The last person sitting in the aisle was an old man, and as I passed him, he leaned back a little to give me a little more room and slid off the back of his seat. His legs flew up and tripped me, but I caught myself. By the time I got my flip flop back on, the man had a big smile on his face and someone else was already helping him up. I smiled back and went on my way.... That was it. Somehow, this turned into me pushing my way through crowds, knocking people over, and laughing at them. Weird. Normally this probably would have put a damper on my evening, but I was at a demolition derby--somehow it makes me feel like I've had a genuine Demo Derby experience because of this.
I nearly got in trouble again later on, but my 70-200mm f2.8IS lens came to the rescue. I was looking for the bathroom and somehow managed to leave the venue without getting the appropriate stamp on my hand so that I could get back in. As I tried to re-enter the guy watching the gate stopped me and asked to see my stamp. However, as soon as he saw that massive lens on my camera he said "never mind, I didn't realize you were the photographer!" I said "Yup!" and went on my way. That moment was totally worth the price of admission! Don't get me wrong here though--being mistaken as the photographer hired to shoot at a demolition derby is not all that exciting! I do not envy the man who puts his life on the line by standing in the middle of a figure 8 track to photograph cars as they skid and crash around him. The exciting part of that moment was getting in when I wasn't allowed just because of my camera. It still doesn't top watching a school bus jump over 3 cars and an RV, but it was nice...
Posted by
Gerald & Airika
9:46 PM
Labels: Personal

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